Scientific Machine Learning
Out-of-distribution generalization
Can foundation models forecast a chaotic system without being trained on the same system?
- Y. Zhang and W. Gilpin, Zero-shot forecasting of chaotic systems, arXiv:2409.15771
Reservior computing
Reservoir Computing (RC) is a simple and efficient model-free framework for forecasting the behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems from data. I am interested in understanding the success as well as identifying limitations of RC.
- Y. Zhang and S. P. Cornelius, Catch-22s of reservoir computing, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033213 (2023)
- Y. Zhang and S. P. Cornelius, How more data can hurt: Instability and regularization in next-generation reservoir computing, arXiv:2407.08641
Causal inference
Can we infer causal hypergraphs from time-series data in a model-free fashion? How important are higher-order interactions in the brain?
- R. Delabays, G. De Pasquale, F. Dörfler, and Y. Zhang, Hypergraph reconstruction from dynamics, arXiv:2402.00078
Reinforcement learning
Can we use reinforcement learning (RL) to improve synchronization? Would the solutions found by RL be interpretable?
- Z. Chen, T. Anglea, Y. Zhang and Y. Wang, Optimal synchronization in pulse-coupled oscillator networks using reinforcement learning, PNAS Nexus 2, pgad102 (2023)