Postdoctoral Fellow, Santa Fe Institute
I am an Omidyar Fellow at the Santa Fe Institute. Before that, I was a Schmidt Science Fellow at Cornell working with Steven Strogatz. I received my Ph.D. in Physics from Northwestern, advised by Adilson Motter. You can reach me at
My research focuses on developing mathematical and computational tools for the study of complex systems, especially using techniques from dynamical systems, network theory, data science, and machine learning. I apply these tools to understand the behavior of complex systems that are often nonlinear and high-dimensional, which includes questions in mathematical biology (how do circadian clocks re-synchronize as we recover from jet lag?), neuroscience (how important are nonpairwise interactions in shaping macroscopic brain dynamics?), data-driven modeling (when can digital twins generalize to previously unseen conditions?), and scientific machine learning (is zero-shot forecasting of chaotic systems possible?). Some topics I worked on recently include high-dimensional basins in multistable systems, dynamics and inference on higher-order networks, and out-of-distribution generalization in neural networks.

Network Dynamics
synchronization, chimeras, and more

Higher-Order Interactions
collective dynamics on hypergraphs and simplicial complexes

Basins of Attraction
fractals and tentacles

Scientific Machine Learning
AI for Science and Science for AI

because why not